Statement on Extensions to State of Emergency Policies


The following is a statement from Senate President Karen E. Spilka, House Speaker Ronald Mariano,  Senate Ways and Means Chairman Michael Rodrigues and House Ways and Means Chairman Aaron Michlewitz.

“Today, the House and Senate agreed to report out a conference committee bill, in-part, that temporarily extends and reinstates a slate of measures instituted in Massachusetts during the COVID-19 State of Emergency. 

This partial report addresses issues common to both the Senate and House bills and is necessary to ensure that critical policies - including those relating to municipalities’ meetings, restaurants, tenants facing eviction, health care and child care - are available as expeditiously as possible.

These temporary provisions have been helpful to businesses, municipalities, health care providers, residents and communities during this extraordinary time. We will continue working together to resolve items in the near-term that were not included in today’s Conference report, which deserve further consideration.

We look forward to the Governor’s prompt review of this report.”

Sarah Blodgett