Senate-Passed COVID-19 Relief Bill Signed into Law

Legislation passed by Legislature includes measures to enhance vaccine equity, extends popular COVID measures

(BOSTON–02/12/2022) A $101 million plan passed by the Massachusetts Legislature to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 and its variants was signed into law today. The legislation provides residents with greater access to tests, vaccines, and masks, and prioritizes communities disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as frontline workers.

The plan also provides increased flexibility for unemployment insurance recipients to address overpayments of pandemic unemployment benefits and funds an expanded multi-lingual campaign to notify unemployment claimants of their legal rights. Much of the investments included in the bill are expected to be eligible for reimbursement by the federal government.

“I am excited to see these investments were signed into law as they are imperative to our ongoing efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and ensure Massachusetts is on a path towards a full, fair and equitable recovery,” stated Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). I am particularly proud that we again invest in paid emergency sick leave, ensuring that workers continue to receive a paycheck while caring for themselves, a loved one or a child who is sick or may feel side effects from the vaccine. I want to thank my colleagues in the Senate for their support, as well as Speaker Mariano and my partners in the House for their quick action on this legislation.”

“The signing of this bill today marks another vital step to provide additional resources to reinforce our response efforts and confront the challenges in our nearly two-year battle with COVID-19. Whether it’s expanding access to testing, masks, vaccines or providing funds to support the continued solvency of the emergency paid sick leave program that is helping so many, we have demonstrated that we can work together to do what is necessary to help mitigate the spread of this virus,” said State Senator Michael J. Rodrigues (D-Westport), Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. “Thank you to my colleagues in the Senate for their input throughout the process, Senate President Spilka for her continued leadership, and our partners in the House and the Administration for their continued desire to work with us as we navigate through this pandemic.”

“This bill centers and drives forward pro-active, much-needed public health guidance, public health best practices, and equity. I am glad to see this bill reach the Governor's desk and for the state to begin doing more to protect the most vulnerable among us,” said Senator Jo M. Comerford (D-Northampton), Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Covid-19 and Emergency Preparedness and Management.

“I'm proud that this bill makes over $100 million in additional pandemic response investments, including funding for community organizations that are working hard to get more residents vaccinated and keep them protected from severe illness due to COVID-19,” said Senator Cindy F. Friedman (D-Arlington), Senate Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on COVID-19 and Emergency Preparedness and Management. “This bill also begins to address the growing needs of hospitals as they continue to respond to the challenges brought on by this pandemic and the latest surge of the Omicron variant.”

The legislation includes a $50 million investment to further increase the availability and encourage usage of both testing and vaccination throughout the state. This allocation includes $7 million to assist community organizations promoting vaccine awareness and education in disproportionately impacted communities and $5 million to expand the capacity of community health centers to test and vaccinate, including funding to hire additional staff. Notably, $5 million is specifically allocated for increasing vaccination rates among five through eleven-year-olds, an age group now eligible to be vaccinated but whose vaccination rates remain low in comparison to older residents. The bill also allows funds to be made available for a grant program, in consultation with the Massachusetts Cultural Council, for cultural institutions to help promote vaccine awareness and education.

The bill also allocates $25 million for the state to purchase and distribute high-quality masks in Massachusetts, with priority given to education and health care workers. The bill furthermore includes $25 million to replenish the State’s Emergency COVID Paid Sick Leave Program, which was passed by the Legislature and subsequently signed into law last year, thereby ensuring that Massachusetts employees continue to receive up to five days paid leave from work for COVID-related reasons, such as quarantining, attending a vaccine appointment, or caring for a loved one.

In response to reports that the Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) is seeking to collect overpayments in pandemic unemployment benefits that were paid to some Massachusetts residents through no fault of their own, the bill allocates $1 million for the DUA to conduct a multi-lingual, easy-to-understand public information campaign to notify claimants of their legal rights. The bill also extends the period during which DUA can reconsider a determination of overpayment and requires that the department produce a comprehensive report detailing the status of overpayments.

The bill also extends the authorization for several COVID-19 emergency measures adopted earlier in the pandemic, such as those related to health services in assisted living facilities, liability protections for health care providers, remote notaries, and flexibility for local governments and non-profits to hold meetings virtually. Importantly, the bill also sets the date for this year’s state primary election on Tuesday, September 6, 2022.

Governor Baker vetoed or amended sections of the bill that would have required the administration to develop a vaccine equity plan and directed the Department of Public Health to publicly post guidance on effective mask usage and recommended testing, quarantine and isolation periods. Authority to reject or override these amendments and vetoes lies with the House, which has yet to take action.

The bill has been signed into law.

Sarah Blodgett